On May 12-17 2019, the IBTN held its first French Summer School, with IBTN co-lead Dr. Kim Lavoie as academic leader. In total, 26 participants, ranging from from Master’s students to new investigators, attended the Summer School. Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre students Anda Dragomir (Ph.D. student), Claudia Gemme (Ph.D. student), Vincent Gosselin Boucher (Ph.D. student), Sara Labbé (Ph.D. student), Florent Larue (medical resident and Master’s student), and Li Anne Mercier (Ph.D. student) report on their experience…
IBTN Chair
$1.8 M for SPOR Mentorship Chair in Innovative, Patient-Oriented, Behavioural Clinical Trials
IBTN Co-Chair Dr. Simon Bacon has been awarded a 5-year Chair by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) to focus on improved behavioural clinical trials…