2024 Conference Program

Last updated: May 17, 2024

Opening activities and plenary sessions will be livestreamed for virtual attendees, and portions of the workshop program may be offered in a virtual format.

All times shown are in Eastern Time (UTC -5).

Thursday, May 16 – Conference Opening Activities

Time Session Pavilions (Sherbrooke and Adrien-Pinard)
16h00 Participant registration Foyer – Sherbrooke Pavilion
VIP reception, hosted by the Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement Upper Level – Sherbrooke Pavilion
16h50 Welcome and Opening Remarks

IBTN co-chairs Simon Bacon, PhD (Canada) and Kim Lavoie, PhD (Canada)

Room SH-2800
17h00 Opening plenary – Behavioural interventions: Past, Present and Future Room SH-2800
Foundation: Mechanisms of Behaviour Change
There is nothing more practical than a good theory: Reflections on what our health behaviors can and (potentially) could do Alex Rothman, PhD (USA)
Intervention: Behavioural Intervention and Trials Frameworks
Behavioral Clinical Trials: Past, Present, and Future Lynda Powell, PhD (USA)
Implementation: Translating Efficacy to Effectiveness to Improve Global Health Jeremy Grimshaw, PhD (Canada)
19h00 Cocktail reception and poster session Upper Level – Sherbrooke Pavilion

Friday, May 17 – Scientific Plenary Day

Time Session Speakers / Location (Pavillon Sherbrooke)
8h00 Participant arrival and registration, and light onsite breakfast Foyer
8h15 Welcome and Introduction by IBTN Co-Chairs Room SH-2800
8h30 Early Morning Plenary Sessions
Room SH-2800
How Behavioural Science Can Address Global Challenges: A network approach to climate and pandemic preparedness
Chair: David Musoke, PhD (Uganda)
8h30 Engaging the public with climate change: public communication and behaviour change to achieve net zero (virtual presentation) Lorraine Whitmarsh, PhD (UK)
8h50 Food and climate change: the need to act is urgent Bill Dietz, PhD (USA)
9h10 Discussion Led by Kim Lavoie, PhD (Canada)
10h00 Break and Poster Session Upper Level
10h30 Mid-Morning Plenary Sessions
Room SH-2800
Use of Ontologies in Behavioural Intervention Development and Testing
Chairs: Molly Byrne, PhD (Ireland) and Anda Dragomir, PhD (Canada)
10h30 What are ontologies and how are they useful in behavioural science? Susan Michie, PhD (UK)
10h50 Improving behavioural interventions with ontologies: The case of Behaviour Change Techniques Marta Marques, PhD (Portugal)
11h10 Discussion Led by Robert West, PhD (UK)
12h00 Lunch and Poster Session Upper Level
13h00 Early Afternoon Plenary Sessions Room SH-2800
Issues of Equity and Access in Digital Behavioural Interventions
Chairs: Mariantonia Lemos, PhD (Colombia) and Jen Brown, MSc (UK)
13h00 Equity and access by design: Lessons learned creating digital public mental health interventions (virtual presentation) Beth Jaworski, PhD (USA)
13h20 A public health perspective on digital health and equity (provisional title) David Buckeridge, PhD (Canada)
13h40 Discussion Sylvie Lambert, PhD (Canada)
14h30 Break and Poster Session Upper Level
15h00 Mid-Afternoon Plenary Sessions Room SH-2800
IBTN Summer School Alumni Showcase Chair: Susan Czajkowski, PhD (USA)
Lessons from supporting co-production with under-researched communities in the UK Jen Brown, MSc (UK)
Focusing on fidelity: An exploration of intervention fidelity within behavioural trials Elaine Toomey, PhD (Ireland)
CALMA m-health app as an adjunct to therapy to reduce suicidal and non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors in adolescents who are treated in public hospitals in Argentina: Preliminary results (virtual presentation) Dr. Demian Rodante (Argentina)
Optimizing behavioural trials with qualitative research methods: Examples from cardiovascular science – View recording Karen Bouchard, PhD (Canada)
Health education and promotion: How to move away from behavioural prescriptions? Vincent Gosselin-Boucher, PhD (Canada)
15h40 Discussion Angela Pfammatter, PhD (USA)
16h00 Break and Poster Session Upper Level
16h30 Late Afternoon Plenary Sessions Room SH-2800
How to Navigate the Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Implementation Continuum (Efficacy to Effect ‘Struggle’)
Chairs: Rebecca Wyse, PhD (Australia) and Josh Rash, PhD (Canada)
16h30 Efficacy is essential in behavioral intervention research Kenneth Freedland, PhD (USA)
16h50 Making a bigger impact: Lessons learned from the Office of Spread and Scale Celia Laur, PhD (Canada)
17h10 Discussion Led by Ian Kellar, PhD (UK)
18h00 Closing remarks and announcement of IBTN Award Winners and Best Student Poster winners IBTN Co-Chairs

Saturday, May 18 – Workshop Day

Time Session Location/Speakers
8h00 Light onsite breakfast Lobby – Pavillon Adrien-Pinard
8h30 Morning Workshops – with a 30-minute break Rooms to be announced – Pavillon Adrien-Pinard
WKSP 1 Embedding the routine use of ontologies to promote best use of evidence in behavioural science Susan Michie, PhD (UK), Robert West, PhD (UK), and Marta Marques, PhD (Portugal)
WKSP2 Using the ORBIT Model for Research on Complex Behavioral Interventions Lynda Powell, PhD (USA), Kenneth Freedland, PhD (USA), and Susan Czajkowski, PhD (USA)
WKSP3 Co-creation and intervention adaptation for implementation in LMICs Mariantonia Lemos, PhD (Colombia)
WKSP4 Publish and Flourish – Effective and Efficient Knowledge Transfer (in French) Linda Pagani, PhD (Canada)
12h00 Lunch Room SH-4800 – Pavillon Sherbrooke
13h00 Afternoon Workshops – with a 30-minute break Rooms to be announced – Pavillon Adrien-Pinard
WKSP5 Enhancing impact of behavioral medicine through systems thinking- Guided coordination of evidence production and information flow: A Co-Design Workshop Eric Hekler, PhD (USA) and Pedja Klasnja, PhD (USA)
WKSP6 Designing for Scale: Strategies for interventions that can help more people in more ways Celia Laur, PhD and Zeenat Ladak, PhD(c) (Canada)
WKSP7 Rapid prototyping for digital behavioural interventions Alex Tarling, MSc (UK)
16h30 End of Workshops
19h00 10th anniversary dinner
Les Soeurs Grises – Old Montreal (32 McGill Street, H2Y 3W5)
Pavillon Sherbrooke: 200 Sherbrooke Street West
Pavillon Adrien-Pinard: 100 Sherbrooke Street West