Frequently Asked Questions about Mentorship
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HBIC Award 2024 Opportunity – Call for Mentors
We are pleased to announce that the 2024 Health Behavior International Collaborative (HBIC) award will be running again in 2024 and is now seeking new mentors.
The purpose of the award is to facilitate international mentorship collaborations between an early career researcher (or professional) and a laboratory or research group under the guidance of an identified mentor.
The goal is to support research or program development projects in the areas of health research, clinical behavioural health, behavioural medicine, and health promotion.
Projects must be feasibly accomplished within one year. Six individual awards ($3,000 USD each) will be granted as part of the 2024 competition to offset costs of collaborative activities.
The HBIC is now calling for mentors interested in being contacted by potential early career researchers to develop a project application. Please note that the HBIC Award puts the onus on the ECR applicant to lead the application process.
To qualify as a mentor, you must:
- Be interested in supporting mentees and developing new collaborative networks
- Have sufficient time and resources to support the project over the project period
- Not have served as an HBIC international mentor in the past two years.
Mentees and mentors must be (or become) affiliated with one of the HBIC 2024’s sponsors: International Society for Behavioral Medicine (ISBM), Society for Health Psychology of the American Psychological Association (SfHP), American Psychosomatic Society (APS), Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM), German Society for Behavioral Medicine and Behavior Modification (DGVM), and International Behavioural Trials Network (IBTN).
Read more about the HBIC Award and view previously funded mentees and projects.
Interested in becoming a mentor?
Complete this form and be listed on the HBIC website as a potential mentor. Deadline December 15, 2023 (late applications will be accepted).
If you have additional questions, please contact us at
Are mentors involved in submitting the award application?
The submission process is designed to be led by the applicant, not the mentor. Mentors are asked to support the applicant by providing them with the required international mentor’s letter of support and discussing the proposed program of work prior to submission.
Do mentors need to be affiliated with one of sponsoring organization?
Yes. You must be affiliated with one of the five sponsoring societies (APS, SBM, SfHP, DVGM, IBTN, or any ISBM member society). You do not need to be in the same society as your mentee.
However, if you are from a developing country in which there are currently no active behavioral medicine organizations, you are eligible to serve as mentor for projects sponsored by ISBM, APS, and SBM without any membership requirement.
Who are the sponsoring organisations? The International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM), the American Psychosomatic Society (APS), the Society for Health Psychology of the American Psychological Association (SfHP), the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM), the German Society for Behavioral Medicine and Behavioral Modification (DGVM, or Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin and Verhaltensmodifikation), and the International Behavioural Trials Network (IBTN).
Can I mentor more than one applicant?
You can only mentor one applicant per year.
Does my mentee have to be a member of the same sponsoring society I am?
No, your international mentee can be a member of any society involved in the award (including any sponsoring society; see list below or ISBM website).
When will funds be released for use?
Exact timing of the release of funds is at the discretion of each society awarding the prize, however in past years, the funds have been released as soon as practical so as not to delay the collaboration.
I am from a low or lower-middle income country in which there is no sponsoring organization. Am I still eligible to apply?
Yes. Mentors from low or lower-middle income countries in which there is no sponsoring organisation or member society will automatically be considered for the ISBM award. IBTN membership is free. Special consideration will be given to applicants from these countries.
When will my mentee be notified of the outcome of their application? For the 2024 award competition, applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by email in April 2024.