HBIC Award Tips on Finding an International Mentor

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Tips for Early Career Researchers (ECRs)

Establishing connections with a mentor can be daunting but it’s a very exciting part of doing research!

Learning how to reach out to others working in your field is an extremely useful career skill and the HBIC Award is a great opportunity to develop your skills. Here are some tips!


  1. Fully research potential mentors. Whose work are you consistently reading? Who sparked your interest at a conference? Look online for their CVs and fields of expertise. Read their papers and look through their track record to see where your work overlaps. Look at content, methodology, settings, and intervention techniques. Don’t be too narrow in your thinking.
  2. Start with local contacts. Ask your current supervisors, team, and colleagues about any international contacts they have that might be good potential matches. Personal connections can facilitate introductions and be really helpful in opening doors.
  3. It’s okay to approach potential mentors without an introduction. If no one in your network has personal connections to offer you, it’s fine to approach them yourself. Senior researchers often receive cold calls and invitations. They were once an ECR too! Be brave, bold, and respectful… and see how it goes!


  1. Be clear on your areas of expertise and interest. Everyone is busy (especially potential mentors), so be friendly but most of all, be concise! List all your possible fields of interest and remember, just a small overlap with your mentor may be enough to spark a collaboration.
  2. Take the time to properly introduce yourself and the HBIC. Invest in writing a tailored message introducing yourself and your areas of expertise and include your CV. Briefly explain the award (share links to the HBIC webpage on the IBTN website), then clearly and directly ask if they are interested in meeting to discuss applying for the award. Highlight the potential benefits of your project idea for you… but above all for them!
  3. If you feel uncomfortable reaching out yourself, draft the message for your supervisor to send on your behalf. It can sometimes be helpful if the introduction comes from a senior researcher. Remember to include links to your profile and the HBIC award webpage so that potential mentors can quickly establish your credentials and the credentials of the award.


  1. Arrange a virtual meeting.

Once you have established their interest in applying for the award with you, propose a virtual meeting to help develop your application together.

  1. Make it easy for your mentor. Be very clear about what you need from your mentor for the application process. Whenever possible, suggest examples or drafts for their mentor support letter, but always check with your mentor first whether they would like your help to prepare their sections of the application.

Potential Mentors for the 2025 Competition

The following mentors have indicated their interest in collaborating with potential applicants for the 2025 competition. Please note that you are not restricted to this list. New mentors for the 2025 competition will be added as they present themselves.

Amanda Lea Rebar
University of South Carolina

Research interests

  • Habit, motivation, behaviour change and maintenance, physical activity, exercise, health psychology, ecological momentary assessment, time series analyses

Andre Faro
Federal University of Sergipe

Research interests

  • Health Psychology; Anxiety; Depression; Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Behavior; Suicidal Behavior; Covid-19; Psychometrics; Multivariate Analysis

Angela Rodrigues
Northumbria University, UK

Research interests

  • Behaviour change; intervention development and evaluation; health-related behaviours; brief interventions, diabetes prevention, smoking cessation, weight management, physical activity, digital health, skin cancer prevention/sun protection

Annie Ginty
Baylor University

Research interests

  • Stress; Psychophysiology; Cardiovascular reactivity; Adverse Childhood Experiences

Ashraf Kagee
Stellenbosch University

Research interests:

    • Adherence to antiretroviral therapy
    • Common mental disorders among persons living with HIV
    • Stress and trauma
    • Health behaviours; structural barriers to health promotion
    • Various topics related to health psychology and public mental health

Claudio R Nigg
Dept. of Health Science, Institute of Sport Science, University of Bern, Switzerland

Research interests

  • Physical activity & health behavior change theory
  • Obesity prevention in children & adolescents
  • Physical activity promotion among seniors
  • Dissemination of evidence-based clinical & community-based interventions
  • Multiple Health Behavior Change

Eli Puterman
University of British Columbia

Research interests

  • Exercise interventions
  • Randomized trials
  • Hard-to-reach communities
  • Highly stressed populations
  • Ambulatory assessments
  • Ecological momentary assessments
  • Mental health

Jens Blechert
Universität Salzburg

Research interests

  • Ecological momentary assessment of eating behavior
  • physical activity
  • body image
  • mHealth
  • Emotional eating
  • stress eating
  • self-regulation

Laura M. König
University of Vienna

Research interests

  • Digital health promotion, digital health divide, research participation effects, ecological momentary assessment, weight-related behaviours

Marta Marques
National School of Public health, NOVA University of Lisbon

Research interests

  • Development and testing of ontologies and other classifications of behaviour change interventions, e.g. tailoring of behaviour change interventions; Multiple health behaviour change theories and interventions

Michele Okun
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Research interests

  • perinatal sleep
  • pregnancy and delivery outcomes
  • postpartum mood disorders
  • infant sleep
  • inflammation and cortisol

Mustafa al’Absi
University of Minnesota

Research interests

  • Stress and trauma
  • Addictive behaviors
  • Pain research
  • Global mental health

Samuele Zilioli
Wayne State University

Research interests

  • Racial and SES health disparities
  • Psychosocial factors contributing to CVD risk
  • Psychosocial factors contributing to Asthma symptoms

Sam Smith
University of Leeds

Research interests

  • Cancer prevention and control
  • Behaviour change
  • Intervention optimisation

Sinead Currie
University of Stirling

Research interests

  • Cancer prevention and control
  • Intervention optimisation and multiphase optimisation strategy
  • Medication adherence
  • Cancer in high-risk populations
  • Weight management
  • Physical activity
  • Trial methodology
  • Cancer screening participation

Suzanne Segerstrom
Oregon State University

Research interests

  • Interactions among psychological, cognitive, and immunological health in older adults
  • Methodology and statistics, especially longitudinal designs, in PNI and PNE
  • Psychosocial health in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Tamara Newton
University of Louisville

Research interests

  • Stress, psychological trauma, intimate partner abuse, emotion

Thais Sao Joao
University of Rhode island

Research interests

  • Behavior, Nursing, Research, Self-Care, Adaptation and validation of measurement instruments, Cardiometabolic Health, Care process in chronic noncommunicable diseases