Executive Committee
The IBTN Executive Committee currently serves at the helm of the IBTN. Its members are all experts in their own right in various subfields of behavioural science. They contribute actively to the IBTN’s current projects, including the organization of the annual conference and the new SPOR initiative through which the IBTN Summer School is offered.
Interested in joining our group? Contact us

Simon L. Bacon, PhD (founding member and co-lead)
- Professor in the Department of Health, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology at Concordia University
- Co-Director of the Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre
- CIHR SPOR Chair in Innovative, Patient-Oriented, Behavioural Clinical Trials
- FRQS Co-Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health for Health Behaviour Change
Contact Dr. Bacon at simon.bacon@concordia.ca.

Kim Lavoie, PhD, FCPA, FABMR (founding member and co-lead)
- Full Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Quebec at Montreal
- Co-Director of the Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre
- Canada Research Chair in Behavioural Medicine
- Member of the College of the Royal Society of Canada
Contact Dr. Lavoie at lavoie.kim@uqam.ca
Grégory Ninot, PhD (founding member and co-lead)
- Professor at Université de Montpellier
- Leader of the CEPS Platform
Contact Dr. Ninot at gregory.ninot@umontpellier.fr
Jean Bourbeau, MD (founding member)
- Respirologist and Professor in the departments of Medicine and Epidemiology & Biostatistics at McGill University
- Director of the McConnell Centre of Innovative Medicine (CIM) of the Research Institute of the MUHC (RIMUHC)
- Director of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit at the Montreal Chest Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC).
Contact Dr. Bourbeau at jean.bourbeau@mcgill.ca
Susan Czajkowski, PhD (founding member)
- Chief of the Health Behaviors Research Branch (HBRB) of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Contact Dr. Czajkowski at susan.czajkowski@nih.gov
Kenneth Freedland, PhD (founding member)
- Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Washington University School of Medicine
Contact Dr. Freedland at freedlak@wustl.edu
Susan Michie, PhD (founding member)
- Professor of Health Psychology at University College London (UCL)
- Director of the UCL Centre for Behaviour Change (CBC) and its Health Psychology Research Group
- Principal Investigator of the Human Behaviour-Change Project
Contact Dr. Michie at s.michie@ucl.ac.uk
Paul Montgomery, PhD (founding member)
- Professor of Social Interventions at the University of Birmingham
- Lead on the development of the CONSORT-SPI
Contact Dr. Montgomery at p.x.montgomery@bham.ac.uk
Lynda Powell, PhD (founding member)
- Charles J. and Margaret Roberts Professor of Preventive Medicine, Medicine (Cardiology), Behavioral Sciences, and Pharmacology (Rush University)
- Chairman, Department of Preventive Medicine and Rush University Medical Center
Contact Dr. Powell at lpowell@rush.edu
Bonnie Spring, PhD (founding member)
- Professor of Preventive Medicine, Psychology, and Psychiatry at Northwestern University
- Director of the Center for Behavior and Health of its Institute for Public Health and Medicine
Contact Dr. Spring at bspring@northwestern.edu
Molly Byrne, PhD
- Professor of Health Psychology at the National University of Ireland, Galway
- Director of the Health Behaviour Change Research Group (HBCRG)
Contact Dr. Byrne at molly.byrne@nuigalway.ie

Justin Presseau, PhD
- Scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
- Assistant Professor in the School of Epidemiology, Public Health and Preventive Medicine at the University of Ottawa
Contact Dr. Presseau at jpresseau@ohri.ca
Tavis Campbell, PhD
- Professor in the departments of Clinical Psychology and Oncology at the University of Calgary
Contact Dr. Campbell at t.s.campbell@ucalgary.ca
Founding Members
The founding members of the IBTN were drawn from a variety of areas and countries. These international experts have many years of experience in developing and delivering behavioural trials and a number of them have been involved in some of the largest trials in our field. They pulled together their expertise to create the IBTN and through it hope to improve the quality and quantity of behavioural interventions and trials.
- Dr. Isabelle Boutron, PhD, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology at the Université Paris Descartes and researchers at the INSERM U738 isabelle.boutron@htd.aphp.fr
- Dr. Tim Caulfield, PhD, Canada Research Chair in Health Law, Trudeau Fellow and Professor at the Faculty of Law and School of Public Health and Policy, and Research Director of the University of Alberta Faculty of Law’s Health Law Institute caulfield@ualberta.ca
- Dr. Karina Davidson, PhD, Professor of Behavioral Medicine in Medicine and Psychiatry at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons and Director of the Center for Behavioral & Cardiovascular Health kd2124@cumc.columbia.edu
- Dr. Gaston Godin, PhD, Professor Emeritus at Université Laval gaston.godin@fsi.ulaval.ca
- Dr. David Moher, PhD, Senior Scientist at the Ottawa Methods Centre, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) dmoher@ohri.ca
- Dr. Lise Rochaix, PhD, full time member of the executive board of the French national health authority (HAS – Haute Autorité de Santé) and chairs the economics and public health assessment committee (CEESP – Commission d’Evaluation Economique et de Santé Publique) lise.rochaix@psemail.eu
- Dr. David Secko, PhD, Associate Professor of Journalism at Concordia University david.secko@concordia.ca
- Dr. Stan Shapiro, PhD, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University, and a consultant to the Randomized Clinical Trial Unit at the Montreal Jewish General Hospital stan.shapiro@mcgill.ca