Application Instructions
View the media release and read project overviews from the 2024 competition winners.
This grant is jointly sponsored by the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM), the Society for Health Psychology of the American Psychological Association (SfHP), the Society of Behavioral Medicine, USA (SBM), and the International Behavioural Trials Network (IBTN) in partnership with its Canadian sister association, the Canadian Behavioural Interventions and Trials Network (CBITN).
The purpose of the grant is to facilitate a mentorship collaboration with an international laboratory or research group under the guidance of an identified international mentor. In 2025, four awards will be competitively granted; each award is sponsored by one of the sponsoring organizations (ISBM, SfHP, SBM, or IBTN/CBITN). Proposed mentorship collaborations must be based on aims to pursue a specific research project or a specific program development project in the areas of health research, clinical behavioral health, behavioral medicine, or health promotion. The research or program development project must be feasible within one year.
Please note that for the 2025 competition, HBIC Award funding can be used for international travel.
- Applicants can be trainees (graduate, professional students – e.g., residents) and early career professionals (e.g., fellows, faculty) within 5 years of completing their terminal degree.
- There are no restrictions as to the applicant’s age. Please see FAQ section for details about accounting for career interruptions in calculating eligible years.
- Applicants from the following countries listed by the World Bank are given special consideration.
- Applicants are eligible for an award sponsored by organizations of which they are members (i.e., SfHP, SBM, IBTN/CBITN or a member society of ISBM).
- View the list of the member societies of ISBM.
- Applicants from low and lower-middle income countries in which there are no currently active behavioral medicine organizations can be considered for the ISBM-sponsored award, or they can apply for IBTN membership, which is free.
- If an applicant is a member of multiple sponsoring organizations, they will be considered for the award sponsored by each organization. Please note, the applicant may only receive a single award.
- There is no country restriction to apply for funding from the ISBM, SBM, or IBTN. If you are applying for funding from the SfHP, you must be currently based in the USA.
- The international mentor must not have served as a mentor for a Health and Behavior International Collaborative Award within the last two years.
Terms of the Grant
- In 2025, successful applicants will receive $3,000 USD to offset costs of activities that contribute to the building of a mentor partnership (e.g., travel and research costs, capacity building, or other suitable activities).
- The international mentor must demonstrate an ongoing commitment to work with the applicant to complete the project or academic goals described in the proposal.
- The 2025 award can be used to support airfare, travel, or conference attendance.
- One year after receiving the award, trainees must complete a brief report for the Health and Behavior International Collaborative Research Award Committee describing the progress and any available outcomes of the project. Successful applicants will receive a link to the form one year following receipt of the award.
- The trainee must acknowledge the Health and Behavior International Collaborative Research Award and the sponsoring organization (e.g., ISBM, SfHP, SBM, or IBTN/CBITN) in publications and other products arising from work achieved as a result of this award.
Those interested in applying for the award but who are finding it challenging connecting with a mentor can consult Tips on Finding an International Mentor. This page includes a list of potential mentors, which may be updated over the coming weeks.
Application Documents
Please note that all application documents must be combined into a single document for submission.
The Applicant must:
Complete the online application form, which will ask you to upload the following:
- A maximum 2-page letter of intent (11 pt. font, ½ inch (1.27 cm) margins) providing:
- Description and justification for purpose and anticipated benefit of the international collaboration;
- Overview of the rationale and methodology for the proposed project and collaborative activity;
- Evidence of communication with the international research mentor (prior communication/discussion with mentor is expected);
- Clear outline of specific objectives of the proposed project/collaboration;
- A clear plan for executing the above objectives, including preliminary timetable of activities during the collaboration with specific emphasis on the feasibility of the project within the proposed timeline. This includes a clear outline of any virtual/distance collaborative activities and how they will be managed across time zones;
- Outline of a plan for continued collaboration.
- A budget plan (how funds will be utilized) including any additional resources committed by the mentor or institution. Of note, it is not expected that the HBIC award of $3,000 will be sufficient to fund the entire project. Please submit a budget and funding sources and statuses for the entire project and identify within that budget what the HBIC award will fund.
- Curriculum vitae for the applicant (maximum of two pages)
- A one-page letter of support from the home institution or current research mentor attesting to:
- support of the applicant’s project/collaborative activity and its anticipated benefits;
- support of the applicant’s plans to produce scholarly work as a result of the award;
- the strengths/qualifications of the applicant; and
- Evidence of membership of the sponsoring organization(s) (e.g., payment receipt, email confirmation of membership, etc.).
The Applicant must ALSO include the following documents about the international research mentor:
- Curriculum vitae (maximum of two pages)
- A one-page confirmation letter in which the international mentor:
- Agrees to be the trainee’s mentor for the proposed project;
- Testifies to any previous communication with applicant as well as the applicant’s qualifications for the proposed project;
- Confirms that they have sufficient time and resources to support planned activities during the specified time period. The international mentor is asked to include a specific statement regarding any resources or supplementary resources available to offset potential additional costs (e.g., extended activities);
- States that they have not served as an international mentor for the Health and Behavior International Collaborative Award in the past two years.
- Confirms that they are a member of one of the sponsoring organizations at the time of application.
Applicants are invited to consult samples of previously successful applications to help in the preparation of their submission. You may also browse projects funded during the 2019 competitions and the winners of the 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 competitions.
Applicants are also encouraged to review the following tips on “Finding an International Mentor.”
Award Selection Process
Applicants are competitively considered for funding by each organization of which they are a member. Two representatives from each sponsoring organization will use a standardized scoring system to rank their choice of applicants.
The scoring system will be developed by the International Collaborative Awards Committee with special attention to:
- scientific merit (i.e., background, methodology) of the proposed project;
- clarity and feasibility of the proposed objectives/plans of the project;
- qualification of applicant;
- support of the hosting institution/international mentor;
- potential for ongoing scientific collaboration.
The Health and Behavior International Collaborative Award Committee (which these representatives comprise) will collaboratively determine the final awardees.
The deadline to apply for the 2025 competition is March 19, 2025, 11:59 p.m. (your local time)
Applicants are notified via email regarding the outcome of their applications.
Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants
When is the deadline for applications? Applications for the 2025 competition are due no later than March 19, 2025, 11:59 p.m. (your local time).
How do I submit my application? Complete the online form, and follow the form’s instructions for uploading all required documents, including the support letters from your mentor and home institution.
Are periods of career disruption counted when calculating eligibility? Yes. For example, if your degree was conferred in December 2019 and you took a period of 6 months maternity leave in 2020, that would be calculated as under 5 years since conferral of your degree for the purposes of the March 2025 deadline.
Which applicant is eligible for which award? There are four awards, one sponsored by each sponsoring organization (ISBM, SfHP, SBM, and IBTN/CBITN). If you are from a low or lower-middle income country in which there are currently no active behavioral medicine organizations, you are eligible for the awards sponsored by ISBM without any membership requirement (see below or the ISBM website for a list of ISBM-affiliated behavioral medicine organizations. You can also join IBTN for free. If you are not from a low or lower-middle income country, you are only eligible for awards sponsored by the society of which you are a member (e.g., SfHP, SBM, or IBTN/CBITN) or any ISBM member society for the ISBM-sponsored award (see further on this page or the ISBM website for this list).
Do I have to be a member of ISBM to apply for the ISBM award? No. ISBM does not itself have members but does have member societies to which you can belong. Unless you are from a low or lower-middle income country, you need to be a member of an ISBM member society to apply for the ISBM award. A list of member societies is available below or on the ISBM website.
Can I get more than one award? No. Being a member of multiple societies increases your chances of receiving an award. For example, if you are a member of SfHP or IBTN you can be considered for those sponsored by SfHP and IBTN. However, an individual applicant can only receive a single award.
Does the international mentor’s letter of support need to be submitted separately? No. All application documentation must be submitted together by the applicant through the online application form.
Does my international mentor have to be a member of the same sponsoring society I am? No, your international mentor can be a member of any sponsoring society. Your international mentor MUST be a member of one of these societies.
When will funds be released for use? Exact timing of the release of funds is at the discretion of each society awarding the prize; however, in past years, the funds have been released as soon as practical so as not to delay the collaboration.
Can I submit an application for more than one award (i.e., to more than one society)? Yes, simply indicate all the societies you wish to apply to directly on the application form. Please note that you will only be eligible to be the recipient of one award. You only need to submit your application once through the online system to be considered (where eligible) for an award by multiple sponsoring organizations.
Do the international mentor and mentee both have to be members of a sponsoring organisation for the application to be eligible? Yes. However, the applicant (i.e., mentee) is only eligible for the award for the sponsoring society for which they are a member.
Who are the sponsoring organisations? The International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM), Society for Health Psychology (APA Division 38), the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM), and the International Behavioural Trials Network (IBTN) thanks to the support of its Canadian sister association, the Canadian Behavioural Interventions and Trials Network (CBITN).
I am from a low or lower-middle income country in which there is no sponsoring organization. Am I still eligible to apply? Yes. Applicants from low or lower-middle income countries in which there is no sponsoring organisation or member society can be considered for the ISBM award (or the IBTN award if they become a member) and are encouraged to apply. Special consideration will be given to applicants from these countries.
I want to use the award to facilitate conference attendance, visits to the mentor’s institution, and/or travel. Is this allowed? Yes, these activities are eligible under the terms of the 2025 award competition.
Do I have to find my own international lab to collaborate with? Yes, you will need to develop your own collaboration.
Do I have any tips to help me develop the format of my virtual collaboration? There are no rules around what constitutes a solid virtual collaboration, but these resources may be helpful:
What if I am struggling to find an appropriate mentor? If you are interested in applying for the award but are finding it challenging connecting with a mentor due to your location or circumstances, please consult tips on “Finding an International Mentor“or reach out to your sponsoring organisation. Please note that we will not assist with development of the collaboration between mentees and mentors; however, we are happy to help you with reaching out to mentors (if you have one in mind) or providing suggestions for mentors where appropriate. Efforts to connect with a mentor should be made prior to reaching out to the HBIC committee.
When will I be notified of the outcome of my application? Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in April 2025 by email.
Frequently Asked Questions for Mentors
If you have additional questions, please contact us at
ISBM Member Societies
- Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research
- Society for Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine
- Australasian Society for Behavioural Health and Medicine
- Central and Eastern European Society of Behavioural Medicine
- Chilean Society of Behavioral Medicine
- Chinese Society of Behavioural Medicine
- Cuban Society of Health Psychology, Division of Behavioural Medicine
- Danish Society of Psychosocial Medicine
- Finnish Section of Behavioral Medicine of the Finnish Association of Social Medicine
- German College for Psychosomatic Medicine
- German Society of Behavioral Medicine and Behavior Modification
- Hong Kong Society of Behavioral Health
- Hungarian Society of Behavioural Sciences and Medicine
- Italian Society of Psychosocial Medicine
- Japanese Society of Behavioral Medicine
- Korean Society of Stress Medicine
- Mexican Society of Behavioral Medicine
- Netherlands Behavioral Medicine Federation
- Norwegian Society of Behavioural Medicine
- Portuguese Society of Health and Behavior
- Romanian Group of Behavioral Medicine
- Slovak National Society of Behavioral and Psychosomatic Medicine
- Society of Behavioral Health Singapore
- Society of Behavioral Medicine (USA)
- Swedish Society of Behavioral Medicine
- Thai Society of Behavioural Medicine
- UK Society of Behavioural Medicine
- Venezuelan Interdisciplinary Society of Behavioral Medicine
Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries for the purposes of the 2025 HBIC awards
Burkina Faso
Cabo Verde
Central African Republic
Congo, Dem. Rep
Congo, Rep.
Côte d’Ivoire
Egypt, Arab Rep.
Gambia, The
Korea, Dem. People’s Rep
Kyrgyz Republic
Micronesia, Fed. Sts.
Papua New Guinea
São Tomé and Principe
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Syrian Arab Republic
West Bank and Gaza
Yemen, Rep.