Update – Survey on the future of IBTN

Update on the IBTN’s Behavioural Trials Research Prioritisation Project survey.

We would like to extend thanks to the 77 IBTN members who took part in the survey study.

We are conducting a Research Prioritisation project to get the views of IBTN members about what are the most important topics for methodological research within behavioural intervention research.

Who are the research team? Prof Molly Byrne, Dr Jenny McSharry and Dr Oonagh Meade of the Health Behaviour Change Research Group at the National University of Ireland, Galway and Prof Simon Bacon and Prof Kim Lavoie, of the Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre.

What have we done so far? Nine core members of the IBTN have generated a list of all possible topics which they think are important for behavioural trials methodology research.

What happens next? All IBTN members have been e-mailed an invitation to complete two short online surveys – one month apart – which should each take no more than 10 minutes to complete. In these surveys, members are asked to rate how important they think each topic is and to rank their ‘top 5’ research topics. Your participation would be very much appreciated. If you participate in both survey rounds, you will be entered into a draw to win a Fitbit activity tracker. The first survey will close on the 16th of February 2018 and the second survey will close on the 30th of March.

What will happen with the results? Prof Byrne will present the results of the project at the IBTN Conference 2018. The results will be used to inform planning of the research agenda of the IBTN.

Want more information? Contact molly.byrne@nuigalway.ie