IBTN members are invited to participate in a Research Prioritisation project, which seeks the views of IBTN members about the most important topics for methodological research within behavioural intervention research.
IBTN members are invited to participate in a Research Prioritisation project, which seeks the views of IBTN members about the most important topics for methodological research within behavioural intervention research.
Who are the research team?
Prof. Molly Byrne and Dr. Jenny McSharry, of the Health Behaviour Change Research Group at the National University of Ireland, Galway and IBTN Co-Leads Prof. Simon Bacon and Prof. Kim Lavoie of the Montreal Behavioural Medicine Centre.
What have we done so far?
Ten of the IBTN’s founding and executive members have generated a comprehensive list of possible topics important for behavioural trials methodology research.
What happens next?
As an IBTN newsletter subscriber, you will soon receive an email request to take part in two short online surveys, one month apart. You will be asked to rate how important you think each topic is and asked to rank your “Top 5” research topics.
What will happen with the results?
Prof. Byrne will present the results of the project at the 2018 IBTN Conference. Results will then be used to inform planning of the IBTN research agenda.
For more information contact molly.byrne@nuigalway.ie