Poster Authors & Titles 2018

Posters Presentations

Presenting Author Title
Karen Matvienko-Sikar Theory Use and Behaviour Change Techniques in Healthcare Professional-Delivered Infant Feeding Interventions to Prevent Childhood Obesity: A Systematic Review
Marilia Estevam Cornélio Salt intake assessment in adults and older people: population-based study in a Brazilian town
Anda Dragomir Motivation Communication Training Program Development
Janelle Quintana Efficacy of Sleeping Without Pills (SWOP), an Online Drug Tapering Program: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Claire Fournié Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial: Adapted Physical Activity and Cardiac Coherence in Hematologic Patients (APACCHE) Study
Claire Fournié Pilot Study: First Results of an Adapted Physical Activity Program in Hematologic Patients
Melissa Anne Fernandez Can indices of social and material deprivation be used to identify segments of a target population for a social marketing intervention on family meals?
Lydi-Anne Vézina-Im Demographic and Behavioral Correlates of Sleep among Childbearing Age Women in Canada
Oonagh Meade “EQUIPed to succeed: A case example of service user and carer involvement from
study inception through to dissemination on the EQUIP programme grant.”
Chris Noone The Application Network Meta-Analysis to Behavioural Trials: A primer
Angela Fidler Pfammatter “Examining a Sustainable Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Strategy in
Primary Care”
Nana Wu The “sleep high and train low” camp and weight control in overweight adolescents
Mélanie Béland Associations between leisure time physical activity and depressive symptoms in patients with asthma
Roberta Cunha Matheus Rodrigues The effect of individualized aerobic physical training based in non-exhaustive test on cardiorespiratory and cardiac autonomic variables in patients with hypertension
Laurette Dubé The Effect of Naturalness on Product Attractiveness: The Role of Balanced Consequences and the Association with Nature
Sasha MacNeil Attachment Anxiety and Changes in Systemic Inflammation Following Migration to a New Country Among International Students.
Mary K. Huffman Maintenance Motives for Physical Activity Among Older Adults: A Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Cassandre A. Julien Behavioural lifestyle interventions for weight management in bariatric surgery: A Systematic Review
Molly Byrne Embracing patient and public involvement (PPI) within behavioural trials: the experience of members of a newly formed research study team
Nicola McCleary * Roxon Award of Merit for the Best Poster Presentation

Audit and feedback to address prescribing of high-risk medications in long-term care: theory-based process evaluation alongside a pragmatic, factorial, cluster-randomized trial

Laurette Dubé When Healthy Food Tastes Better: the effect of pro-social context on healthy food choice
Claudia Trudel-Fitzgerald Is life satisfaction an asset against incident hypertension in middle-aged adults? Evidence from the Whitehall II cohort.
Vincent Gosselin-Boucher The development of an evaluation tool for assessing the acquisition of motivational communication skills among physicians using an integrated KT approach
Quynh Pham Implementing a digitally-mediated prostate cancer survivorship program into routine clinical practice
Raquel Farias Information technology and COPD health-related behaviors: patient’s perspective
Iveta Nagyova Understanding pain in rheumatoid arthritis: the role of sex/gender
Cheryl Currie “Addressing cancer risk among Indigenous adults through trauma-informed interventions:
A randomized controlled trial”
Kirsti Toivonen Protocol for a two-phase study examining motivational communication to improve adherence to aromatase inhibitors among breast cancer survivors
Michelle Flynn Intranasal oxytocin as a treatment for chronic pelvic pain among women: A protocol for a randomized clinical trial
Sean R. Locke Cognitive error reframing: Modifying biased exercise thoughts to assist individuals in a diabetes prevention program
Laurette Dubé Quasi-experimental Evaluation of a Dietary Behavior Change Intervention Delivered Through an ICT-enabled Fruit and Vegetable Retail Channel
Sarah Weller Utilization of an individualized exercise counselling behaviour change clinic for prostate cancer survivors.
Laurette Dubé Field Evidence of Synergy Between Individual Differences in Executive Control and Reward Sensitivity in Weight Management
Prince Kevin Danieles Determinants of Drop-out from a Healthy Lifestyle Intervention: Experience from the Centre Pédiatrique d’Intervention en Prévention et en Réadaptation Cardiovasculaires (CIRCUIT) Program
Tamara M. Williamson “Protocol for the Impact of Patient Education in Cardiac Rehabilitation (IMPART) Study: A prospective observational examination of knowledge, attitudes, and cardiac rehabilitation
Prince Kevin Danieles Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in Youth: Preliminary Findings from the Centre Pédiatrique d’Intervention en Prévention et en Réadaptation Cardiovasculaires (CIRCUIT) Program
Rosie Twomey * Astellas Award for Best Cancer-Related Poster Presentation

Tailored Exercise Interventions to Reduce Fatigue in Cancer Survivors: Design of a Randomised Controlled Trial

Bärbel Knäuper “The effects of if-then plans on weight loss: 3- and 12-month results of the McGill
CHIP Healthy Weight Program randomized controlled trial”
Claudia Gemme The Impact of Marital Status and Sex on Post-Surgery Weight Loss in Bariatric Patients
Thalie Labonté Is there an interaction between emotional eating and sex to predict weight loss following bariatric surgery?
Li Anne Mercier Association between motivational style and post-operative weight loss: evidence for the importance of motivation-intervention congruence
Robbie Woods Identifying possible loci of motivation in linking depression to negative emotional eating
within pre-operative bariatric patients
Nicola J. Paine Sex differences in depression as an independent risk factor for mortality in patients without
existing cardiovascular disease and implications for the development of tailored interventions
Prerna Deshpande Sex differences in responses to a 12-week health behavior change intervention for individuals at risk of developing major non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs)
Biagina-Carla Farnesi Learnings from a pilot on the feasibility of combining collage and body-mapping storytelling during participant interviews and its usefulness in planning a behavioural intervention