Online Talk: Staying Healthy During the Pandemic

Many are struggling to stay healthy during the pandemic. Staying active can be a real challenge for those with chronic health conditions. What can we do to stay active and stay healthy?

Tips and Tricks from International Experts on Changing Behaviour

Hear experts talk about the challenges the pandemic presents to healthy and active living, especially for those with chronic health conditions. The event, held on April 1, included a 45-minute Q&A session. Learn more about the speakers.

Dr. Ross Arena, PhD, PT, FAHA, FESC, FACSM

Professor and Head of the Department of Physical at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Dr. Arena is a Fellow of the American Heart Association, the European Society of Cardiology and the American College of Sports Medicine. He has led several innovative healthy living initiatives in academic, clinical and community settings. In 2020, Dr. Arena founded the Healthy Living for Pandemic Event Protection (HL-PIVOT) Network.

Dr. Arena will talk about how moving more and sitting less is essential in a talk titled “Uncoupling the Global Syndemic of COVID-19, Chronic Disease, and Physical Inactivity”. A syndemic is when two or more health conditions or diseases negatively interact with one another. It is clear the COVID-19 pandemic has brought this issue to the forefront. Being more physically active is essential to break this syndemic and improve health outcomes for everyone.

Dr. Arena will talk about the current state of physical activity, the risks associated with being inactive and how much physical activity is needed to improve health.

Daisuke Hayashi Neto

Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian

Daisuke is a registered dietitian trained in nutrition counseling aimed at lifestyle change. His work focuses on motivating and empowering people to make healthier lifestyle choices. He is based in Brazil and works as a collaborator at the Montréal Behavioural Medicine Centre. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Nursing at the University of Campinas. During this talk, he will share tips on how to stay motivated to make healthier food choices in face of the challenges that come with physical distancing.

Frédérique Deslauriers

Psychology Student at Université du Québec à Montréal

Frédérique is preparing her Bachelor honors thesis in Psychology at UQÀM under the direction of Dr. Kim Lavoie at the Montréal Behavioural Medicine Centre. During this talk, she will present some results of her work with the International COVID-19 Awareness and Responses Evaluation Study (iCARE). She will talk about the impacts of COVID-19 on the lives of Canadians living with a chronic disease.